I am having a bit of a dilemma. Little Man is turning 3 on Saturday. And I have no idea what to get him for his birthday. He is certainly not like Sweet Girl and wants everything under the sun. He wants whatever you suggest.
He really doesn't NEED anything, neither one of them do. They have an assload of toys that really don't all get played with. He has enough clothes for the summer. I am at a total loss. So tonight my mom and I are going to go wander around Toys r' Us in search of a gift I hope jumps out at me.
Ironically I already know a couple CHRISTMAS gifts he'll be getting. Yes I'm prepared 6 months in advance. One of them is a bike. And while yes I could get him that NOW, that would mean he would want to ride it NOW. And do you know how hot it is here in the summer? It's hot. Too hot to be outside in the full sun trying to teach your kid to ride his bike. And Lord help us if he ever left the bike IN THE SUN and then tried to get on it, he would be burned and I would be turned into DCS. So Bike = Christmas. Cooler and more enjoyable weather to be outside and not in a pool.
So wish me luck. Send me good 3 year old boy toy ideas.
Earth Day 2020
4 years ago
thanks for stopping by, sounds like pool toys are in order :)
maybe a massive squirt gun of some sort.
Y'all enjoy - Happy Birthday!!!
You probably already have this but for Marshall's birthday...he is getting a complete room make over. This includes converting his toddler bed into a full size bed. He has been riding Michael's old bike (with training wheels re-attached) for a few months and loves it. I cannot wait to see how Little Man reacts to a big boy bike this Christmas. You could go ahead and buy him a helmet for birthday as a teaser for what is to come!!
I like the squirt gun idea! How about one of those inflatable bouncers.
Three is when Kyle's obsession with costumes began (which continues) ....especially super heroes or Toy Story characters.
Happy Birthday!!
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