30 November 2009

Ahead of the Game!

We had a wonderful Thanksgiving weekend. We had a great meal in Flagstaff, we saw a movie and we went on a hike (we call it a hike for the kids sake but it was really a walk). We had great weather and it was an overall good time. We came home on Friday which was nice considering we still had two more days off! YAY!

We have our Christmas tree up and stockings hung. We put up our small tree this year because we donated our big tree to Leo's new office. We will get a new one next year. We have random Christmas decorations around the house as well. We've have some decorating changes going on too. It's really coming together! And really feeling like home.

We even saw Santa yesterday. The kids were so excited until they got in front of Santa. Then they froze up like little mutes. Suddenly silenced by fear of being THAT close to Santa. Our picture is really great (insert sarcasm), Little Man has a blank look on his face, nothing near a smile. And Sweet Girl has a slight smile but the reflection off her glasses makes her look like she has one eye larger than the other. I guess maybe we should start a tradition of those kinds of pictures with Santa. None of those cute smiling ones where they look excited, but ones that look like we've tortured them by sitting on his lap. I think that will make the crappy pictures much more exciting to buy. I'll be the only one in line telling the kids to make the worse face you can instead of smiling. I really like this idea!

I am really in the Christmas spirit this year. I am looking forward to the holiday and seeing the kids joy on Christmas morning. And being with all our family. I am excited to do our countdown calendar where I will put some candy treats and little "activities" we need to do each day.
I hope my feeling and spirit don't start waning as Christmas day gets closer!

25 November 2009


It's Wednesday the eve of Thanksgiving. We're staying in Arizona for Thanksgiving and really I have to tell you I'm happy that for one holiday I don't have to drive all over the place to visit people. Not that I don't want to see family because certainly I do. I'm thankful though this year will be a low key holiday for us. We're going to brunch at a hotel and it looks so yummy. And then we might try to hit up a movie.

As far as thanks go, I have so much to be thankful for, it's kind of unreal. And it would take forever to list them all, so some highlights of thanks:
* I have a wonderful husband and wonderful kids. I am thankful he is able to provide so much for us, this move to Arizona has given us so much. It took me a while to get to this point but wow is all I have to say, when I think about all that we have because we made the move. I'm thankful we did.

* I'm thankful for my family. I can't wait until my parents are closer and I do wish my sister might move out this way too, it sure would be great for Sweet Girl and Little Man to hang out with their cousin on a regular basis they seem to get along great. I'm thankful for all they do for us and the support they provide.

* All my great friends, I don't want to name names because if I accidentally forget anyone they may be offended. And I don't need any drama just because I'm losing my memory. I miss most of them as they are still in Tennessee. But I am thankful for every visit I have with them.

* I am thankful for the fact everyone in my family is healthy.

* I'm also thankful for all my blog readers and friends I have met because of the blog. I love the diversity of everyone and the comments you leave. I am thankful you read and leave comments because it does keep me going and posting more (even though the past two weeks have just not been there!). Keep coming back!

I guess these are the usual ones, the ones I am thankful for the most are the ones that are most often taken for granted.

I hope you and your family have a wonderful Thanksgiving!!!

20 November 2009

Week In Review

Again, I have to say I'm surprised it's Friday. The week blew by like last week! I haven't posted since Monday. I am a slacker! Here is a quick recap of some of our highlights from the week.

1. We had Sweet Girls b'day party at the park on Sunday. It was a great day. Everyone that RSVP'd actually showed up! Amazing. We had a bounce house and the kids had a great time. She scored some girly loot and all was well.

2. Just in case you didn’t know I was informed by my son the other day that I am a beaver. He says to me: “Mommy you’re a beaver because you like to eat wood” . This caused Leo and I to laugh so freaking hard. And Leo then tells him “Not as often as I would like Little Man”. Nice. And you wonder why I think my kids are weird sometimes...

3. Never let Toys R Us put your bikes together. We had "professional" assembly and ended up having to take it back. What a cluster. The brakes didn't work, the tires were flat and Little Man's seat fell off, etc. Even with unemployment at like 10% you still can't find good help...Good times. And it was like torture to the kids to see their bikes and have to say sorry you can't ride them. But now the kids have been riding their bikes like crazy around our cul du sac. And the weather is great now so we can sit outside and enjoy it as well.

4. To go along with my kids being weird (and really I would expect nothing less, considering are in fact MY children and I am myself weird and not normal. You can't say you haven't noticed). They have been OBSESSED with potty humor. Where the humor is in adding the words pee-pee and poo-poo into the ABC's is beyond me. However I did have to laugh at something. When Sweet Girl puts her hands on her hips and says "I'll get you with my pee-pee power". That is some funny shit (oh yeah pun intended...cracking myself up here). But then maybe you had to be there...

5. And lastly, I'll end the week with the fact that I'm wicked tired. Some girls and I camped out for 5 hours waiting for the midnight showing of New Moon. Yes I did it again, laugh if you must I really don't care. I have to say this time it was more than the actual movie, it was a fun girls night out doing something you don't normally do. I think I was really drawn to the energy and excitement that was around there. It was fun. And the movie was MUCH better than the first one. I will admit I thought the first movie sucked ass compared to the book. I just didn't get why when you had such a following and attraction to the book you would change up SO much stuff but I digress. This one was better. I had fun, good laughs, good friends and food and warm drinks. I also met some nice ladies. We laughed at making up potential movies for Lifetime or the Hallmark channel.

This weekend there isn't much on tap. We need to movie some items into a storage unit just to get them out of the house. We'll be saving them for my parents when they move out here. Which needs to happen soon, I think that's all I want for Christmas. So if you know someone looking for a house in south middle Tennessee, you let me know I have a great house option for you!
I need to go through the kids clothes, file some bills and assorted items that are in piles around the office.
Happy Friday!

16 November 2009

Holiday Wish Meme

I get a newsletter from ArizonaMama every week, this week they are having a giveaway of some pretty cool stuff. So I'm playing along. You can too!

Mama’s Holiday Wish List MemeTodaysMama and Provo Craft are giving away a sleighful of gifts this holiday season and to enter I’m sharing this meme with you.

1. What 5 items are on your holiday wish list this year?
  • A treadmill (so I can literally walk or run my butt off)
  • A heavy bag (need to get that aggression out)
  • Kindle books
  • Flameless candles with timers
  • My home decorating completed
2. What is your favorite handmade gift you have received?
  • My grandma's handmade nativity set. I love it.
3. What handmade gift have you always wanted to tackle?
  • I've been wanting to learn to knit so maybe a scarf?
4. What was the best Christmas gift you received as a child?
  • An authentic Red Wing sweater (aka jersey)
5. What items are on your kid’s wish list this year?
  • Ah they want EVERYTHING. Sweet Girl looks through a catalog and says I want it all.
6. What is your favorite holiday food?
  • My mom's cut out cookies
7. What will you be hand-crafting for the holidays?
  • Jury's still out on that one...
8. What is your favorite holiday movie?
  • A tie between It's A Wonderful Life and A Christmas Story
9. Favorite holiday song?
  • I have lots of them, but the #1 is Joy To The World
10. Favorite holiday pastime?
  • Opening one present on Christmas Eve

13 November 2009

No Complaints for Friday!

I have no complaints that today is Friday. But to be honest I have no idea where the week went. I really don't remember most of it. Or maybe I blocked it out? Who knows.
I know I haven't posted since Tuesday either. I suck, I know. I am slacking on the blog entries. So I'm doing the Fill - In's today because they are fun and easy!

1. The last band I saw live was U2.

2. What I look forward to most on Thanksgiving is being with lots of family and sweet potato's, however, this year it will just be me, Leo and the kids.

3. My Christmas/holiday shopping is going to be done mostly online and shipped to TN.

4. Thoughts of how to build Sweet Girls self confidence and Little Man getting potty trained fill my head.

5. I wish I could wear a smaller size!

6. Bagpipes usually make me cry when they are played.

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to Sweet Girls fall recital, tomorrow my plans include a birthday party and Leo's office Christmas party which is a benefit concert and should be lots o fun and Sunday, I want to have lots of fun at Sweet Girl's birthday party at the park and enjoy the cooler weather!

10 November 2009

The Bad Dream

It's 5 AM, I am sleeping peacefully. Dreaming. And then I am rocketed out of my dream by screams of terror and screams for Mommy. Little Man had a bad dream. Leo and I run in there and poor Little Man is trembling. I take him back to bed with us and try to get back to sleep. I do fall back asleep but just as the alarm goes off. Ugh.

After asking Little Man if he remembers screaming and if he had a bad dream, he replies Yes. But doesn't remember the dream. That is until Sweet Girl asked him. Then I found out, he was terrified of giant scorpions crawling on his bed. And really I would probably scream in terror myself in that situation. He went on to show Sweet Girl where they crawled up on his bed and where they were in proximity to him on the bed. She was grilling him about the size of the scorpions. It was an interesting conversation.

And this was his first bad dream, at least the first one that resulted in full on screaming in absolute terror. That is not a scream I wish to hear again!

06 November 2009

The Friday After

We had a good birthday dinner at our favorite local restaurant...Oregano's. We got our favorite server and had an enjoyable meal and even sat outside. Sweet Girl cleaned up on some toy loot, and I am so excited Leo got me a Kindle! Yay!!

And now it's time for the fun Friday Fill - Ins

1. Plans and schedules make life easier but should allow for quick changes if needed .

2. I'm happy when things are in order and everyone is happy .

3. The last thing I drank was water!

4. One of the most valuable things in my life is my family.

5. I like cheese, pepperoni, and onions on my pizza.

6. Dear November, can you please send me cooler weather?

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to doing some home decorating changes, tomorrow my plans include going to a birthday party and hanging out with the family and Sunday, I want to enjoy some time with Leo and and an early anniversary dinner to celebrate 13 years of wedded bliss...

05 November 2009

The Best Birthday Present Ever

Five years ago I got (well actually I birthed) the best birthday present ever. I had Sweet Girl on my birthday and I doubt I'll ever receive anything better. Although the a big lottery win would be a close second!

In the five years she has grown to a shy, smart, funny and bright little girl. No longer a baby or toddler, she's reading on her own and sharing her thoughts and opinions. She is one of the best joys of my life. She is quite the gift to our family. I cannot imagine my life without her. Even though she knows how to push my buttons and drive me batty at times, she is learning to exert her independence and learning to be her own person.

I will do my best to prepare her for the world ahead of her. It is my wish for her that she continues to grow as a smart, funny and bright girl. It is my wish she knows she can do anything she wants, she may have to try a few times but she will succeed. It is my wish she always loves herself and has the confidence to walk with her head high in everything she does.

Happy Birthday to my Sweet Girl.

And Happy Birthday to ME too!

04 November 2009

Medical Annoyance

I am annoyed at my pediatricians office. I am annoyed that they did a blanket diagnosis of Sweet Girl by telling me she had the beginnings of H1N1. We had to go to the doctor last week because we were all sick and Sweet Girl was complaining of a tummy ache and her legs hurting. This usually indicates she has strep. She had a low grade fever of 99-100. Nothing major.

They do the strep test, the quick test is negative. So then the ASSUMPTION that she has H1N1 flu is given. This was all because she presented with a low grade fever and a tummy ache. They tell me her temp could spike up to 105 and she may not have a temp and then take a nap and it's up to 104+. They tell me they see 30 kids a day with H1N1. Sure they do because they are assuming that's what it is, they are not doing any real test to determine that.
I am totally in shock by this and my initial reaction is no way does my kid have the flu. She is not acting THAT bad because before I even took her temp I thought she was faking it because she didn't want to go school.

Shockingly enough by Friday she was fever free. No H1N1 here.

I am annoyed by the hysteria the media is causing about this. Do I want my kids to be sick? No of course not. Do I want them to get the flu? Obviously not. Do I want to be thrown into excessive worry because OMG the swine flu can kill you? Duh, no. But guess what the other flu strains can kill you too.

Rest assured any swine flu/H1N1 "stats" are totally skewed. Especially if everyone is diagnosing just on the fact you MUST have it if you have a fever and body aches. No it couldn't be a cold or another flu strain. It HAS to be H1N1.

I am happy to report that everyone here is on the mend. Yay!

03 November 2009

A Day In The Life Of ME!

San Diego Momma has a writing exercise called PROMPTuesdays. I will participate today because well I can easily drone on about all my daily activities. While I could easily put the highlights of my day into bullets, that would defeat the purpose of said exercise.

Here's the dealio: For PROMPTuesday #80, please write about your day in specifics (yesterday counts). What happened (or didn’t happen more like)? Tell me the details. Did you wake in a bed of crumpled sheets and wandering pillows? Who was next to you? What did you have for breakfast? Where did you go? What’s the weather like over by you?

And so let's learn what a day is like for me...hopefully you're still awake by the end...

I woke up around 6:10 AM. Ugh. It's still dark out at this hour. I hate getting up when it's still dark. Leo turns the shower on and goes to get the kids. I request to shower first because I need to wash my hair AND shave my legs. I try to alternate these so I'm not doing both in the shower each time. It's just too time consuming. Anyway, uneventful shower time, hygiene completed.
I get dressed.
I log into my work PC, log on to the VPN to start my day. Open my email, try to check some of it before I have to get the kids ready for school. Sweet Girl is not happy about going. She says her tummy hurts. She's faking it now because she was totally fine on Sunday. Her nose is running a lot, I do give her some sudafed (yes I still use REAL sudafed on my kids, it works and they are happier).
Leo doesn't feel good, I guess maybe he's not the germ carrier I originally thought. Or maybe just not THIS germ carrier. He is of all others. He proclaims he'll probably see me early. Buckle kids in carseat, give hugs, kisses and love yous.
I get back to my desk, check in. Do a quick stop to make the bed and blow dry my hair.
Now reply to emails, get work started. Attend meetings, oh the meetings. I hate meetings. And all mine are over the phone today because I'm not going into the office. I have four meetings, and I work in between.

I had a protein shake and fiber bar for breakfast. I laugh to myself as I eat the fiber bar because my friend Michele and sister in law Liz both make fun of me because of my fiber obsession. It's good for my health at least!
I make myself some hot tea too. I set the timer on the microwave since I am notorious for over steeping. I aim for 4 mins of steeping, it's good. I have two cups, one black one green. I love tea.
I eat lunch next in between working and meetings. Nothing exciting. I made a sandwich and freaked out because I didn't notice the cheese I picked had mold on it, very weird. I just took it off. But I had a hard time finishing that meal. I ate a banana, apple, and a tomato. I had some grapes. I needed to add more veggies, but obviously failed at that part today.

Around lunch time Leo comes home. He lays on the couch. He's such a man when he's sick. He gets in bed before I am done with work and closes the blinds in the bedroom. I like them open a bit so it's not cave like dark in the office.

It's 3:15 work is over so I head out to get the children. I talked to my mom on the way over to the school. Go in get the kids, they are in good moods. It's nice when they are in good moods when I pick them up. I asked them what they did, and they gave their standard answer of 'I don't know'. Sweet Girl tells me her nose ran and she sneezed a lot. I give them their after school snack of fruit snacks. Sweet Girl falls asleep in the car on the way home.

At home, Leo is still in bed. I foresee it will be me alone tonight making dinner, giving baths, bedtime, etc. I am somewhat annoyed by this because last week when I was sick I still helped out. Oh well. Sweet Girl and I did her homework. I unloaded the dishwasher, loaded it back up. Attempted to clean up the kitchen a bit. It still looks messy.

I made an exciting dinner of pasta for Sweet Girl and me and waffles for Little Man. It's what he wanted and I didn't have to do much so I was good with it. Leo made himself some soup. It was a nice evening really with the kids and I. I enjoyed their company. The kids played on the computer and of course had a fight over it. Nice. Didn't I just say I liked their company, I should add when they're not fighting.

Bath time, pajama time, TV time, bedtime. We watched Dragon Tales. Again. We watch the hell out of that show. It annoys me. I check my gmail account, respond to a birthday invite and get the kids drinks for bed.
I read to Sweet Girl, then go lay with Little Man. After changing a poopy diaper. Always a pleasure.

After the kids are in bed, I get my workout clothes on and pick up a book as I wait for my trainer to come over.
She arrives, I work out and feel OK about it. It was an OK workout. I hate when I can't do stuff without stopping for a break.
I help her take all her stuff out to the car, the neighbor stops over to tell us our house looks great. We had it painted. It does look good I have to agree. He invites me to their churches rodeo or something. I tell him I'll talk to Leo. I like the neighbors they are very nice. But they kind of make me uncomfortable sometimes. I think I feel like I'm being evaluated as a possible second wife or something.

I come back in the house, take a shower, read some more and then head to bed. After I am comfy in bed and asleep for a while, Sweet Girl comes in and I walk her back to her bed. And then back to sleep for me.

So there you go, the exciting details of my day. Real exciting, eh!

02 November 2009

I'm Honest, How About You?

I am beyond honored to be given an Honest Scrap award from one of my favorite bloggers. Stephanie over @ Bad Mom was the first blog besides my sister in laws that I read and followed on a regular basis. If you haven't checked her out, you really should. So I am thrilled she actually reads this blog and leaves witty comments too! Getting an award from her is quite an honor to me. Thanks!!

Now I must pass on the love and tell 10 honest things about myself.

Let's see, there probably isn't much you don't already know...

1. I really don't like my nose. But I don't dislike enough to get a nose job.

2. I like to collect office supplies.

3. I sometimes regret choosing to go back to work after having children.

4. I don't like coffee.

5. I have weird issues with odd noises, they drive me nuts.

6. I am terrified of fire.

7. I feel I need a lesson in shopping, I always revert to jeans and t-shirts and then feel frumpy. But I don't know what else to buy or what would look good on me. I keep telling myself I'll have the "cute" clothes when I lose weight.

8. Not a huge fan of reality TV, but for some reason can't change the channel if Real Housewives of 'Somewhere' is on. I am amazed at how these people live. It's like a train wreck that I can't turn away from. I'm ashamed to admit I am looking forward to the Real Housewives of Orange County that starts on Thursday.

9. I do love shows like Ghost Hunters, A Haunting, etc, but if any of that happened in my house I wouldn't stay there 5 more minutes. I would get the hell out of dodge.

10. I miss my Grandma Jean, I wish Sweet Girl and Little Man could have known her. She was so awesome.

Rules to my fellows:
  • Say thank you and give a link to the presenter of the award.
  • Share “10 Honest Things” about yourself.
  • Present the award to 10* other bloggers whose blogs you find brilliant in content and/or design or to those who have encouraged you.
  • Be sure to tell the 10* bloggers chosen that you are giving them the Honest Scrap award and provide the guidelines for them.

*Or a number that you can reasonably accomplish in whatever mental/physical state you're in.

The honorees for encouragement and brilliance are:

San Diego Momma

Because My Sister Has One

Raising Little Women

Adventurous AZ Mom

A Day In the Life of The Basha's

My So Called Life