Well Sweet Girl had her first eye appointment today. She was dilated and will soon be the owner of a fine pair of JUICY Couture glasses.
I wear glasses/contacts myself. Leo wears them too so it really shouldn't shock me that she will too. But it does bum me out. I guess I feel like it's my fault, I passed on some crappy gene to her and it's resulted in the fact that she's not even five and has to wear glasses.
But as wrong as it felt buying my four year old JUICY glasses, I was also thankful. She won't have to wear frames that are the size of her own head. She'll wear glasses made for a small face. She won't have to suffer the way I did with the totally unstylish glasses and lenses that were as thick as a reem of paper. Yes for that I am thankful.
Earth Day 2020
4 years ago
Awww...don't feel bad. My oldest, SAM, got her first pair of glasses last year at Age 10...which is 5 years sooner than I had to wear glasses/contacts...and now my 7 year old is saying that stuff is blurry.
Feel good that you aren't making her wear dorky glasses. SAM has herself some stylish frames as well. :)
I know it's coming for my kiddos too. I just keep praying that they get their daddy's genes in that respect. Thank God for new technology and cool glasses.
I bet she looks adorable. Please post a picture of her chic glasses! I have no idea how Michael has avoided them. I am virtually blind in one eye without a contact and Mike couldn't make out anything before his intralase (sp?) procedure.
I'm sure mine are destined for glasses, too. ...unless there's a lasik for preschoolers program out there somewhere...
Yeah, I had to wear the giant goggles when I was 9. :)
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