It's Tuesday again (you needed to be reminded didn't you?) and that means it's a PROMPT post. Check out San Diego Momma for more reading pleasure.
Here's the deal for this week:
Please write a post about love: When you knew you were in love. How you stay in love. What those about to get married should know about love. What qualities you hope to find in someone when you fall in love, and/or so on. You can even go the route of “Best love/marriage advice you ever got or gave.” Or perhaps you want to write about your wedding day or engagement. If you’re not married or in a relationship, how will you know when you’ve found “the one?”
OK, well Leo and I will celebrate lucky year 13 this year. It's been a fun ride and I wouldn't have wanted to do it with anyone else. He's been good to me and has helped me in more ways then I can ever imagine. He's a great Father and that is so incredibly sexy. He is successful and has good ideas. OK now let me get to the point, since this isn't a post about how great Leo is even though I just shared some of how great he is.
So how did we make it 13 years? We talk. We talk everything through. Sometimes it's not fun to talk about everything but it's the only way we knew we were on the same page.
Sometimes we don't make daily small talk which is OK too.
And we're honest. We at least I am, and I'm going to bet Leo is too because really he's a shitty liar. Or a really good one and has had me fooled for the past 13 years.
We bicker, I think bickering is good it gets stuff out (stuff you'll need to talk about later) without some crazy yelling fight.
Now I think my post is not making sense. So here are my three advice points then I'll stop talking:
1. Talk. Talk all the damn time about every damn thing. This is the only way you're going to KNOW each other.
2. Encourage each other to be the best person they can be, to do their best at work, to take a new step in life or work or whatever.
3. Have a lot of fun. Go out to reconnect and have fun.
Earth Day 2020
4 years ago
Yeah, like that.
Yes, yes and yes.
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