04 April 2008

Over and Over and Over and Over

Somehow Sweet Girl's repeat button is stuck. She likes to repeat things over and over and over and well you get the idea. Being honest here, it's annoying the crap out of me. Here is an example, we are in the car and she has a baggie of snacks. She is apparently unhappy with its contents and wishes to add grapes to it. This is not a problem except we are in the car where normally I don't just keep a stash of grapes.

Sweet Girl: "I want grapes"
Me: "OK, we can get some when we get home"
Sweet Girl: "I want grapes"
Me: "OK Sweet Girl I'll get you some grapes when we get home"
Sweet Girl: "I want grapes"
Sweet Girl: "I want grapes"
Sweet Girl: "I want grapes"
Sweet Girl: "I want grapes"
Sweet Girl: "I want grapes"
Sweet Girl: "I want grapes"
Sweet Girl: "I want grapes"
Add whining and crying to it now...
Sweet Girl: "I want grapes"
Sweet Girl: "I want grapes"
Sweet Girl: "I want grapes"
Sweet Girl: "I want grapes"
Sweet Girl: "I want grapes"
Sweet Girl: "I want grapes"
Me: "I understand you want grapes, however right now I cannot get you any grapes since we are in the car so I'll get some some at home. Now stop whining please"
Sweet Girl: "I want grapes"
Sweet Girl: "I want grapes"
Sweet Girl: "I want grapes"
Sweet Girl: "I want grapes"
Sweet Girl: "I want grapes"
Sweet Girl: "I want grapes"
Sweet Girl: "I want grapes"
Sweet Girl: "I want grapes"

Now I turn up the radio so maybe it will drown out some of the whining, crying and incessant asking for the stupid (in my head I am calling them something much worse then stupid) grapes.

Eventually it works and she stops crying and I turn down the radio and guess what I hear "Mommy I want grapes".

Really? I had no idea you wanted grapes...


Anonymous said...

Grapes are wonderful can you blame her really. When the moment strikes me I have to ask for them over and over until I get them as well. She must get this from her Aunt Deanna.
Your Welcome

Anonymous said...

Now I want some grapes.

Anonymous said...

Reading these and especially this one made me realize how much I miss your humor! I am still laughing....and I want grapes, too!