01 March 2008

On Our Own...

Uh Oh...after about 3 weeks of having GaGa and Grandad around we are on our own again. This should be interesting since the past few weeks we've had the luxury of having someone else around to help watch/entertain/put to bed/change diapers/change clothes/console/anything else that was needed for the kids. My parents are headed to CA to visit with my sister and her family. So starting today for over week we'll be on our own. Maybe this will be good as we can get into some kind of routine. Both Sweet Girl and Little Man have been having really hard time with drop offs at their new preschool. It may be because they know GaGa and Grandad are at home and they are not and that is where they want to be. I can't say I blame them, it's no fun being at work when you have company sitting at your house you would rather be with.

While I will miss them being around, I am sure they also need a break from the moving mayhem we've been living with for at least 3 weeks now. It's certainly taken it's toll on me and I'm surprised I am still drug free and not in an institution for a mental breakdown. I've had a hard time adjusting myself and the screaming and crying of the kids at drop off is not helping me at all. I know, I know, give it time. You all know me, and you know my greatest gift is NOT patience. If only sarcasm worked like patience then I would probably be like Mother Teresa.

So while it will be yet another adjustment to create our new routine that is so desperately needed hopefully it will be quick and smooth. And by the time GaGa and Grandad get back before leaving (boo) again, we'll be all normal and even keeled. Stop laughing I can be normal...


Anonymous said...

You are handling the move alot better then some would( I mean me by the way). Just think positive and a routine will figure its self out. By the way, you are sooo normal,me on the other hand I think I am crazy most of the time
We Miss You Guys
- Hillary

Amanda P. said...

last night i realized southwest flies to phoenix! woo whoo miss you guys, love ya! -a

Molly said...

Things will calm down and everyone will adjust soon. You're probably right about the routine. The sooner the kids get on a routine, the more comfortable and secure they will feel. Hang in there!
Tell your parents hello. Hope they have fun on the trip!


Anonymous said...

Crap, I just blew my cover. Oh well, I doubt any Knox county school officials or school children read your blog.

Anonymous said...

Thanks Danielle. I cried when I read your blog about leaving Tn. but this blog really pulled the old heart strings, we appreciate it. Give the kids a kiss. Can't wait till they meet their cousin,
aunt and uncle.
Love Mom & Father
AKA "Jean" & Dale
AKA GaGa & Grandad