01 November 2008

Adventures of Super Girl & Batman

So Halloween was AWESOME! We had a blast and got a lot of goodies (more than we actually NEED...but then again who really NEEDS candy in the first place...). We went over to another neighborhood where they had basically a block party atmosphere, lots of kids, food, beer and FUN for all of us!

Sweet Girl was Super Girl and looked really great in her costume. She let me put her hair in pig tails and I topped off the costume with some blush and lipstick. It did feel somewhat wrong mashing the blush brush on her cheeks to apply an over abundance of blush and trying to put lipstick on her was a challenge since she wouldn't relax her mouth. Finally it was applied and she looked so cute.
Sweet Girl did have one slight mishap in that she was running back and forth across the street and busted a move in the middle, getting a couple black skinned knees. Battle scars that were forgotten in less than 5 minutes. Here and her two friends did great at trick or treating and had a blast playing together.

Batman looked stunning in his costume as well but refused to wear his mask and almost refused the most important part as well...his cape! But I got it on when he was a little distracted.
Batman also had a slight run in with something, although it wasn't the street in his case. He was run over by a girl on a bicycle. She was dressed as Dorthy and could have possibly been possessed by the Wicked Witch at the time the incident occurred. Really she was a little distraught herself as Little Man cried saying 'bicycle hit me' over and over. He was unharmed except for possible mental trauma which may cause him to never ride a bike.

We headed home around 9:00 and all hit the sack early! It was a really great evening. We met some new people and hopefully made some new friends!

1 comment:

Amanda P. said...

can't wait to see pics!